What is RDUK?

RDUK stands for Registered Dietitians UK. It is a moderated conversation held once a month on Twitter covering various nutrition topics. The hour-long twitter session is led by Azmina, Emma and Frankie three foodie dietitians, who are skilled in a range of nutrition topics. We explore themes related to the latest headlines or new studies – and we don’t shy away from controversial topics.

RDUK has been established since November 2011 and to date has organised & led over 60 UK nutrition chats. Monthly stats show an average of 60 participants with an average reach to 1 million people. Chats regularly trend on Twitter.

Get up to date and join our twitter parties to help you separate the fact from the fiction. Everyone is welcome, no matter what your background, occupation or experience on twitter.

When does RDUK take place?

Usually the first Monday of each month at 20:00 to 21:00 UK Time. To convert to your time please check timeanddate.com. We cover a different topic each month – you can suggest topics by tweeting with us or search for #RDUK on Twitter to find out that month’s topic.

What do we discuss?

Each month we cover a different topic related to nutrition and health. You can find out about the topic by visiting us here or by tweeting to @rdukchat – we publicise each chat through various social media platforms.

How does RDUK work?

Anyone with a twitter account can participate and to maintain credibility, registered dietitians (RDs) Azmina, Emma and Frankie will moderate the conversation. Special guests with particular expertise may be invited to enhance the discussion. The moderator asks five Questions, each of which is allocated 10 minutes of discussion time. These Questions will be published here before the chat. Questions will be posed by the moderator preceded by a number (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 & Q5) and participants can respond to questions in the same order (A1, A2, A3, A4 & A5), add comments, favourite or RT answers that intrigue them.

Monthly conversations are archived and can be accessed here.

Supported by the British Dietetic Association

RDUK chats are supported by the British Dietetic Association (BDA) @BrDieteticAssoc. The BDA is the professional association for dietitians.